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Family tables...


Family tables...


I have a Family of sheetmetal parts that need to be modeled. Most of them
have a mirror part. We are currently NOT using any PDM but will likely
"upgrade" to WF2 (!!!) (this client is on 2001 still...) and will be
embracing Intralink. I know there are / were issues w/ family tables and
Ilink. Is that true? Should I just model these parts individually?


What is a good way to model mirrored sheetmetal parts - given a family

Thanks for your advice... once again.


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We use mirror functionality in assembly mode. INSERT\COMPONENT\CREATE\Mirror. This creates a separate mirrored part that references the primary part.

Haven't found a good way to do mirror in family table with WF 2.

We have no problems with INTRALINK and family tables (WF2 and INTRALINK 3.3) of sheet metal parts. Some models have 100's of tabs.


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