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Getting partial parameter name from string value of other parameter


Getting partial parameter name from string value of other parameter

Hi, all

I have this problem as follows:

I have a sheet metal part, with bend and unbend state. In the part drawing, at the unbend state view I create ordinate dimensions where one of dimensions can be defined as unbend length dimension. This dimension name begin begin with string "oad" and followed by an ID number (let's say the value is "123"). So, the dimension name defined as "oad123".

So far I have created parameter udn = ID_number (string value), and then I got stuck on how I include the value as a partial name of unbend length dimension.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Agit Ariffiandi

If i understand your problem,you can extract value of parameter with extract() function ( in relations )

Exemple ( see screenshot 😞



The first number is the start position, the 2nd is the number of charaters to extract


Hope this help you



Hi, Vincent

I think you misunderstood my explanation of the problem. Let me detail it below:

I have this sheet metal part that its unbend state as shown in the drawing as below:Capture1.JPG

If we toggle the dimension will be pictured as below:


So, The unbend length dimension is 505.81 mm or can be described as parameter "oad216", where the "216" string value is equal udn. This value will be entered manually.

Now I have many sheet metal parts in an assembly, where I would like to insert all unbend length dimensions into a repeat region with some rules:

udn = ID_number (entered manually per each part), and

udv = "oad(udn)"

So, This "udv = oad(udn)" part that i would like to ask to all of you: How can I insert the value of udn as partial name of udv parameter?




in Part mode you can create relation:


I assume that udv and udn are String parameters.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

Martin & Vincent,

Thanks for your reply.

It's almost there, leaving the problem of how we could inserted the value of udv = "oad216" (string) into a parameter name oad216 = 515.81 (real value).

Any solution on this matter?





  • you have a part
  • inside the part there is a parameter udv containing String value oad216

Now you want to create Real parameter named oad216 containing value 505.81. Is it true ? If the answer is YES then you have to use AutoHotkey/AutoIt software to make a script, that does this for you.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

I think you have the solution now.

Sorry for my mistake


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