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How can I change dimension display precision while working in sketching mode.


How can I change dimension display precision while working in sketching mode.

Is there any way to change the dimension precision to more than two points of decimal .And is there is any way to increase annotation scale.


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Yes and no.

Yes, you can set the sketcher decimal places in options and the onty way to change the text height is reducing your screen resolution.

Thanks for the response it worked.

Try TEXT_HEIGHT_FACTOR 40 in the The tip is from Synthx; sy_tip_0307.htm which indicates a restart of ProE is required. Note, the larger the number the smaller the text. I dunno, that's what it says.

Please describe in detail I am new to software...I am not able to follow your suggestion.

Nisheeth; how do you manage your configuration file? Many of us do this with a text editor. This is the only way to add hidden options to your configuration. is one of the files that Creo reads when it is loading. It loads the file in the starting folder that is specified by your desktop (or other) Creo shortcut. If you need help with this also, please let us know.

This is the option that David is referring to:


Great find, David!

Here is a bonus... from PTC in 2006 but highly recommended for a browsing:

Thanks a lot for telling the process in detail. I was able to customize the settings according to my requirements.


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