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How do you control the way that Creo imports a STEP file?


How do you control the way that Creo imports a STEP file?

When I drag a STEP file from the file manager into a Creo window, a dialog pops up asking if I want to append or create. When I select append I randomly get two different behaviors. Sometimes it pulls the STEP file in as a new part assembled to an automatically created new coordinate system. Other times it asks me to choose a coordinate system and the STEP file comes in as a feature. Is there a way to choose one method over the other?

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for a quick placement, I use append. I can go back and reestablish the assembly constraints I need/want later.

I don't like the csys it puts in but that can be deleted.

I prefer to create. It may be a little slower but I like to make sure all is in order before continuing (a little anal, I know)

I can assemble the way I want and I don't get the added csys.

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