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Let your voice be heard with PTC IdeaSite


Let your voice be heard with PTC IdeaSite

PTC/USER Members:

I want to come back to you with another email reminder to get involved
and participate in the events that are currently running on PTC
IdeaSite. IdeaSite is PTC's new Web 2.0 platform for gathering customer
input on key R&D initiatives in an open and collaborative manner. These
events are open to PTC customers in order for us to hear your voice. As
a reminder, the 4 events are running until March 13, 2008.

There have been some very good ideas submitted so far. Here are what
some of your fellow users are saying...

* "Product Cost Management" Event: Vitaliano Fabrice has
submitted an idea that the solution needs "to balance cost (with) value
per features". He is saying that it is important to identify value per
feature in addition to cost stacks (e.g. raw material, labor, COGS) in
order to focus on the most important features to bring to market first.
(submitted Feb 20, 2009)

* "Mathcad - Pro/E Interoperability" Event: David Hickerson has
provided good feedback from a Mathcad users perspective about what to do
and not do when implementing improved Mathcad-Pro/E interoperabiltity.
For example, he points out that PTC should not require Pro/E in order to
run Mathcad to make interoperability happen. (submitted Feb 18, 2009)

* "Windchill System Monitoring" Event: Cecil Sebate has been
advocating for a Windchill System Monitoring Dashboard to highlight
problem areas and because dashboards can help stakeholders come to
common place to define/agree on problems and resolutions. Cecil has
been very active on IdeaSite. Come see his comments (last submitted Mar
3, 2009)

* "Conceptual Engineering" Event: Hugo Hermans has suggested
the usage of mindmapping in this new conceptual engineering solution.
He comments that maybe PTC have a "look to Mindmanager from Mindjet, or
Freemind ( By connecting topics from the mindmap to
geometry and graphical items, an extra dimension in the design process
will be introduced." (submitted Feb 22, 2009)

This is great feedback and I am sure there is a much more out there. If
you have an idea, please contribute. If not, please look around the
website and comment on other people's ideas or star rate them. PTC is
eager to learn what the collective community desires and we will only
find that out if you are actively involved. These projects are under
active development and we are looking for your input.

To see more exciting ideas and comments like these, please visit PTC
IdeaSite and self register at:
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