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License Borrowing


License Borrowing

What are the main issues to attend concerning license borrowing? I was looking for a step by step tutorial on how to setup this kind o licensing. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. Best regards! JVidal
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Step:1 You have to use the license lm_XXXXXXXX.txt that contained the borrow statement install to the PC called license server by FlexLM. see attached. step:2 go to C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\bin\ptcsetup.bat to config your license. step3:Install Pro/E to the client PC and do the same step2 but config that license by use license server name. step4:Go to C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\bin\Proe_borrow.bat then pick for borrowing period. Good Luck, Peerapong

Hello Peerapong, I'll have to say that your explanation is flawless! Many thanks. Do you know how this is made for Pro/TOOLMAKER? I need that aswell but my Pro/TOOLMAKER install dir does not have a bin folder or any borrow bat file. Once again, thank you very much! Best regards! JVidal

"Jose Vidal" wrote:

Hello Peerapong, Do you know how this is made for Pro/TOOLMAKER? I need that aswell but my Pro/TOOLMAKER install dir does not have a bin folder or any borrow bat file.

Hello JVidal, It's depend on that Module is floating or locked license and including in the license file or not. Is that pro/E extension module? Also if you see this moudule when you are setting th e license configulation you can borrow them aswell. Have a nice day,

Hello Peerapong, Pro/TOOLMAKER is not a Pro/ENGINEER module/extension. It's a stand-alone CAM software. Althought its license is validated through FlexNet the dialog you indicate does not exist for Pro/TOOLMAKER. Thank you once again. Best regards! JVidal
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