Hi, I have an assembly of a tank with a lid over the top of it. The lid is powered by a pneumatic ram.
What I would like to do is for the assembly to prompt me for a Yes or a No, whether the lid is opened or closed. Obviously this will be driven by the shafts position in the ram assembly.
How can I set an assembly with two states? ie. ram open, ram closed?
How can I get the parent assembly to ask me for a prompt which will decide this state?
Many thanks
Various ways of dealing with such situations, particularly these three:
1. Pro/Program
2. Family Table
3. Relations
If you have not used Pro/Program before, this will require a little study to get acquainted with the details, although it is not at all difficult.
I'm guessing, from your question, that your are not really interested in having two different Family Table instances, although many would approach your situation using this method.
A simple way to handle this is with Relations. For example, create a Yes/No Parameter called CLOSED. Then considering some dimensional value that controls the state of the piston, write Relations like the following.
Changing the value of CLOSED from Yes to No will cause your model to change accordingly upon Regeneration.
Thanks David, I managed to figure it out with Pro/PROGRAM before I got your reply. But thanks anyway. Works a treat!