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Wildfire 4.0:
Looking for config.pro options:
1) To set the model display shade quality, default is 3 (View/ Model Display/ Shade/ Quality
2) To turn off the tolerance display in the model (not drawing) (View/ Model display/ General/ "uncheck Dimension Tolerance"
3) In the model tree, is there away to not have the "Feature #" column cover up the feature names? "Feature #" is set to 8 wide.
Can you set the first column width?
1) To set the model display shade quality, default is 3 (View/ Model Display/ Shade/ Quality
is controlled through config option
This option is introduced in WF-5
to 2.)
tol_display NO turns off the display in the model (may be drawinbg also) ifg so look at the drawing.dtl file to turn it on there
turn the column of (tree settings- colomns and slecet column NOt to display)
save the setting into a file.
Retrieve those setting as standard by adding
mdl_tree_cfg_file path and filename to your settings file
mdl_tree_cfg_file D:\usr\people\weber\Work\tree.cfg
into you config.pro