At first I thought ModelCHECK would be the simple answer, but it appears that it will only report on overwritten dimensions. Unless I missed something in the documentation.
Try this instead. This is to report only on driven dimensions. If you want a report on all dimensions it's very similar, and briefly outlined at the end of the email.
To show drawing (created) dimensions:
1. Use the Find tool and set it as shown:
a. Look for & Look by = Driven Dimensions
2. Pick Find Now to get a list.
3. Pick the arrow button (circled in red, above) to select all the driven dimensions.
4. Pick Close to see all the created dimensions shown in red.
(I swear there was once a much easier way to do this, but I can't remember how to do it. Not that this is particularly difficult, mind you.)
If you need some sort of output, it's a little bit more complicated.
1. Perform the search outlined above EXCEPT picking the Close button.
2. Pick the Options menu in the Search Tool.
3. Pick Save Query.
4. Enter a name for the saved query and pick OK.
a. This creates a new layer in your drawing named whatever you chose as the query name, circled in red for this example.
5. RMB over this layer.
6. Pick Layer Info
7. In the Info Output window that pops up, pick File.
8. You will now have an .INF file saved to your working directory.
a. It's also a versioned file, just like Pro/E does when not using a PDM system, as seen here:
9. You can open this with a text editor and take a look at the list of created dimensions.
If you need a list of driving dimensions (from the model), same process except change the Look For criteria.
If you want to show all dimensions in a single report, it's very similar.
Change the search criteria to Dimension, check the box for Include Submodels. Then, when you're choosing a name for the layer, uncheck the Propagate Layer box. (If you leave it checked it will try to put that layer into every component, sub-assembly, merge feature, skeleton, etc. that has been used to create the model used by the drawing.)
I just tested this and it only lists dimensions on the drawing, leaving out any model dimensions that aren't shown. I did not test if it reports on erased dimensions that show up in the drawing tree but not on the face of the drawing.