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Opening generic from an instance


Opening generic from an instance

If you have the generic model open you can select to open an instance from the family table. How is it possible to do the reverse: To open the generic from having opened the instance?
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Hello Brummitt, In openned instance you can see the generic name(info about generic), but you can not open it. Regards, Vimlesh

you can copy the name from the info window and paste it in the file open window. this is quicker w/ a map key.

So I was right to conclude that it is not possible with a direct command then. Thanks both.

Hello there, same thing happens when you are opening a family table and you mistake the level or folder you want to open from, the you cannot roll back or go to an upper level in the open manager window, you need to close it and go to file-open again. I know map keys do the trick (block the sun with your thumb kind of trick). But pro/e should take those 2 simple option into account Regards

This is fixed in 5.0, you can select open generic from a Right click menu.
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