I am working in WF4 and PDMLink 9. Does anyone know a way to prevent Pro/E from doing a regen on a part or subassembly? For instance when perform a replace Pro/E does an automatic regen without me requesting it. If I have a complex part or sub assembly this auto-regen can cause a long wait or worse a failure in a small subassembly that I don't care about.
I have tried locking parts and sub-assemblies (making them read only) and I have also tried using simplified reps but neither works.
Ultimately I would like to in essence be able to turn the offending component(s) into dummy masses like step files that don't get any regen unless I specifically request it.
Christopher Rees - Mechanical Engineer - ISR Systems UTC AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 100 Wooster Heights Rd, Danbury, CT 06810 U.S.A. Tel: +1 203 797 5490 Fax: +1 203 797 6637 christopher.rees@utas.utc.com<">mailto:christopher.rees@utas.utc.com>www.utcaerospacesystems.com This thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may also use "Start a topic" button to ask a new question. Please be sure to include what version of the PTC product you are using so another community member knowledgeable about your version may be able to assist.