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Pro/Cable question - Creating 1 cable assembly using multiple XML's from RSD


Pro/Cable question - Creating 1 cable assembly using multiple XML's from RSD

Hello all,

I'm fairly new to Pro/Cabling and need a bit of help.

Is it possible to create 1 cable assembly (*.asm) using multiple XML's from RSD, to create 1 flattenned harness design to eventually create 1 nailboard for this cable assembly?? For example, imagine a an airplaine's electrical harness assembly which consist of multiple cables, harnesses and individual conductors, that would run from one end to the other of the airplane, and which would be 1 part that is manufactured, on a nailboard in a shop somewhere, then eventually placed in the airplane. Is it possible to do this in ProE? If yes, how??



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I see that you posted this more than a month ago. So this response might not be much good.

To answer your question, Yes, sort of. You would typically design the entire harness in RSD or in your Electrical Software of of choice capable of exporting to a Pro/Cable supported format (such as Vesys or Cim-Team E3 to NWF or XML). RSD will have your entire harness in your project. This includes prefab cables and individual wires.

Keep in mind that this is only logical referencing. Meaning that the schematic will not create your 3D model for you. It will allow you to name the previously placed connectors from your schematic, and will also automatically place the connector details (such as terminal pins, seals, locks, ect) into your Pro/Cable session referenced as referenced to each connector. It will also import the to-from information for wires. It will not magically automatically route the physical path of the wires for you. The user has to define the physical routing of the wires with networks, or bundles (a more tedious process).

You will need to flatten the harness yourself, and create the harness prints yourself. One of the big advantages of the logical reference is that the tables can be designed to fill in for you, and if you make a simple change on the schematic such as changing a terminal pin you can also update your print to have the table automatically reflect the change.

You do this on a harness per harness level. I have limited experience with RSD (I use the other non PTC products for my schematics), but I’m sure you can create entire schematics in your RSD project, and then export out just the harness of choice.

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