When we do a Quick Print to PDF from Creo2, the font is changed from isofont to what looks like arial. This also moves txt locations so some text overprints on other text.
Are there any settings that can be done to get the PDF to look like the drawing on the screen.
If I publish through Creo/Windchill, I get the same fonts and text does not shift. These files are also PDF format, but must be created using a different routine.
Creo2 m100
PDMLink 10 m040
I avoid having to manually set all the defaults to get what I want from a .pdf print.
I created a mapkey drop these in your local config.pro and put the attached file where
your local config.pro resides (your working directory or "start in")
mapkey caf @MAPKEY_NAMEMakes a .pdf file and stores\nit in your work \
mapkey(continued) directory;@MAPKEY_LABEL>Create Adobe File;%d-;%zr;\
~ Command `ProCmdModelMkPdf`
~ Select `intf_profile` `opt_profile`1 `bad1pdf`;\
~ Activate `intf_profile` `OkPshBtn`;
this has two other mapkeys it calls plus an adobe configuration file or .dop (bad1pdf)
the additional mapkeys; d- turns off the datum planes, zr is zoom reset
mapkey d- @MAPKEY_NAMESwitch off all datum display options;\
mapkey(continued) @MAPKEY_LABEL>Datum display off;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` \
mapkey(continued) `igToolbar_AncestorIGT_IGT_GRP_inh396938342.proe_win|.mcs29658718_mp|select_\
mapkey(continued) all_check` 0;
mapkey zr @MAPKEY_NAMEZoom reset;@MAPKEY_LABEL>Zoom reset;\
~ Command `ProCmdViewRefit`;
I have attached my adobe .dop file so you can use it as is.
what it basically does is strokes the elements instead of assigning fonts to true types.
it should place the file in your working directory/start in and also open the file.
see if this works for you.
CP2 M180
see Configuring the Quick Print Command page. I think Quick Print command is not implemented well...