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In going from small spreadsheets to large spreadsheets, one necessary development was dependency chains. With a dependency chain one can look at a cell and determine from the chain(s) what cells depend on its value. Only the dependents need to be recalculated.

Is such a feature going to be introduced into Pro/E or do I have a config option set different than what I want?

I thought this regen optimization was supposed to have happened some time ago, but on an assembly I have changing a dimension in a sketched datum feature in the top assembly results in (WF3) regening most of the components.

I also see a problem when retrieving an assembly - it comes up fine, but a later regen finds failure to regen in the components. How do these parts escape the initial regeneration on part recovery?

Custom regen would be great, but it takes several minutes to even come up with the list of candidates when there should be only one.

Dave S.

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Regarding regeneration problems, we have had the same problem.
Today the assembly regenerates fine, status = green, no warnings, etc.
Tomorrow, the same assembly opens yellow, or even blows up and we end up
in failure resolve mode.
Sometimes this is related to a subcomponent (that was not changed) going
through a regeneration and losing its mind.
How can this happen?

Is there a way to "deep-regenerate" ensure there are no hidden problems?
For a while I was using model player, checking regenerate every feature,
and it was finding the problem sometimes but it still did not catch
every time.

Regarding spreadsheets, its long time past that Pro should play nice
with Excel.

Walt Weiss

"latent regeneration issues" meaning in some cases it takes 2 or more regenerations for all things to propagate and then to update. There are experts far smarter and wiser than I who could cite examples.
The easiest one I know is relations. If you calculate something in relations and then use it to drive something else, it often takes 2 regens for a full update, but this is just scratching the surface.

Rename is another one. If you are using Pro/INTRALINK and rename a component in the commonspace, all dependencies are immediately updated in Pro/INTRALINK BUT THE MODELS HAVE YET TO BE REGENERATED. The regeneration occurs only when the model is checked out and then opened (i.e. regenerated) in Pro/E. Only then is the full impact of the change in model name propagated to the models, and to only the ones you opened in Pro/E (i.e. there are often other models in the commonspace that are unmodified) Its pretty amazing PTC has this scheme working as well as it does!

The best video I have seen on this is
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