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Rendering Output

5-Regular Member

Rendering Output

When creating a rendered image of my assembly, or anything for that matter, the output I get when trying to print is always fuzzy and pixilated. Is there any method for creating a nice crisp rendered image in Pro-E that can be put on paper? They always look halfway decent on the screen.... but we can't very well take the whole computer down to the customer's site.
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Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite

Try saving the assembly rendered file as JPEG. Print should be clear.
5-Regular Member

JPEG is what I have been saving as, that and .tif. I need to be able to print this out on 24" X 36" and have it look very nice for a presentation.
Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite

Maybe save it on a flashdrive, and take it to kinko's or some place that has high quality expensive printers.
5-Regular Member

I got what I wanted, or at least good enough for what we needed at this point. I had never worked with rendering before, and as usual PTC's help center was esentially useless on the subject. The solution was to set the output size to an (in my mind) outrageously large number, so that when the image is sized to fit on the 36x24 paper it's actually being shrunk instead of stretched. This greatly enhanced the output resolution. Add to that some wall and floor textures I found on the web and the image is quite nice if I do say so myself. Thanks to all who gave me ideas.
Chris Benner
Autodesk ® Expert Elite
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