I have a series of points I'd like to put the X, Y, and Z dimensions of in a table. Can a repeat region be used to automatically put these dimensions into a table without having to hand-enter every number? I just started working on it and post if I find a solution.
Not sure if this will work in your situtation.
Sometimes I need to give our tube bending dept the XYZ point values of a tube.
When I am in Drawing mode I click on the tools tab.
In that drop down is hole table.
I then click create.
Then select datum points from that menu.
You are then asked to select a coord sys
Then you select a location for the table
Then done.
Hope this helps.
Try creating a hole chart (works for points as well).
In Pro/E goto Help > Help Center > Detailed Drawings > Detailed Drawings
Then search for Custom Hole Chart
Select "To Create a Custom Hole Chart"
Follow directions.
Thanks Domingo. Didn't quite work. It wouldn't let me pick the CS I needed (big problem), the point data was non-parametric, it plotted out ALL the points (not just the pattern I wanted), and it came out in a format that I couldn't use. I've just put the parametric dim in manually (i.e. &d123). Tedious, but it works as i wanted.