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Session id


Session id

Good morning,
I know that I can find the session id of a component in the Relations window.
What I don't know is, if I know the session id, how do I find the component it refers to?

Say I click on a note that includes a parameter, and I see that it reads

How do I find out which component has session id 220?

Random stabbing is the best I can come up with so far, but that is no good if the component is a sub-assembly.

Any ideas?



John Wayman, C.Eng, FIED
Senior Mechanical Engineer
21-Topaz II

Add some text to the note that would grab a parameter with identifying information.


I think you could even use a system parameter like &model_name:220.

I once created a table that had lines for something like 50 or 100 session IDs so I could display the PART_NAME parameter for each and figure out what part was what.  I used it for making manual BOM tables way back when Pro/Report for generating repeat region BOM tables was a separate license that we didn't have.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
23-Emerald III

In the Model Tree, turn on the ID field.

Thank you,

Ben H. Loosli
21-Topaz II

I think that's only feature ID, I don't think session ID can be displayed in the model tree.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

Add the attached note to the drawing to find session ids.

Perfect trick, thanks a lot!


Coming in late here but THANK YOU!!!  This is such a simple solution that has evaded me for years!

this is a really good trick to get all SessionID's of an assembly quickly and at a glance.

Thank you, it saves a lot of clicks and time.

That is a SLICK trick right there!

I’ve done this a number of different ways like previous posts, but that’s
pretty dog-gone simple, at the end of the day…


I just learned this:

Tools > Relations > Show > Session ID

Pick the model and Creo reports the session ID in the messages.


Also, you can add the session ID column to the model tree as of Creo 9.

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