I want to create a 3D model of the exterior surface of the complete assembly. I thought SHRINKWRAP was tool that I needed to use, but it doesn’t seem to give me the result I was expecting, and from the description I don’t believe I can make it into this ‘shell’ of the assembly I am wanting in a STEP file.
I know there is a way to create a shrinkwrap of exterior surfaces. You have to filter out/in the exterior surfaces when you create the shrinkwrap. You may need to change your accuracy setting as well. I hope that helps. Is it a large assembly?
In what way is it not behaving as expected? As John says, the settings sometimes need adjusting to get the result needed; typically when shrinkwrapping assemblies I have the settings set as per the attached picture, which gives a good enough result for me. Pushing up the accuracy obviously increases filesize, but it's often worth it to get a better looking model - it depends what your needs are.
You should be able to get a result using STEP also, just make sure to set the geometry to shells.