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Slightly off topic, but what Pro/E module do you need to be able to create a spinal bend? I downloaded the example part (Spinal_bend_initial.prt) and opened it in WF4. However, the first step of the instructions: Create a spinal bend by selecting Insert > Advanced > Spinal Bend doesn't work as I don't see Spinal Bend in the menu. It's not even greyed out. I'm assuming my license doesn't allow that functionality but I was wondering what specific module is required.
Tried that, even restarted Pro/E with that in my file. No joy.
In Reply to Ron Rich:
You open this by a config option allow_anatomic_features YES.
allow_anatomic_features is not in config.sup and it is set to yes in my We have very old licenses, they were upgraded once to the original Foundation & AAX but that was over 10 years ago. I'm sure there must be some Pro/widget micense that we are missing. I was hoping someone could nail it down.
Hi Doug,
Attached is an image of a living-hinge using the spinal bend (Pro-E WF 3.0). In the, the option allow_anatomic_features is set to yes. I used a family table to show both the opened and closed positions of the model.
I will be back in Columbus on Monday (in Dayton today). As the spinal bend is challenging to create, and If you still need help and are willing to pay for consulting expenses, I would be happy to come to your office and help you model this feature next week.
Chris Thompson
Pro-E WF 3.0 (including ISDX)
SolidWorks Premium 2010
In Reply to Doug Schaefer:
It's been years since I created a spinal bend and I've been trying to
help a coworker create one in a part. My memory of the commands and
their function is failing me.
Anyone got a link or PDF of a 'how to' on spinal bends to refresh my
Doug Schaefer
Senior Project Engineer, Mechanical
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