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Split BOM Balloons with QTY


Split BOM Balloons with QTY

I am trying to automate the production of BOM balloons in the format
preferred by this company, that is:
item number inside a circle, with quantity at about 5 o' clock, just outside
the circle.
The tricky bit starts now:
They want to split and merge BOM balloons, so that, for example, a bolt, nut
and two washers shows up as a train of three balloons, one each for the
bolt, the nut and the washers, BUT, they only want the quantity to show up
where it is more than one (the washers in this example). For balloons with a
quantity of 1, they do not want the quantity to show.

I can get Pro/E to do balloons with the quantity only showing if it is
greater than one using a relation, but I can't figure out how to split the
quantity resulting from that relation so that, if there is only one washer
on bolt A, no quantity shows, but if there are two washers on bolt B, the
figure "2" shows.

I have seen GA drawings like this before, so I am sure this is not the only
company wanting to do it. How have you solved this little conundrum in the

WF2, M<220


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