Thanks to everyone who responded so quickly. The issue was that he had a local.ddb file that was about 2 gig in size because he was not doing checkins and his own file maintenance on a regular basis.We utilized a backup from a few days before the 'crash' and were able to do a file/backup on the changed and new files from his workspaces. We renamed his local.ddb file and created new workspaces in a fresh start of INTRALINK imported the files into the new workspaces and he now has virtually everything back save a few minor changes that were done after the backup was generated.
Here are the responses:
Exit Pro/INTRALINK and rename the .proi folder. Launch Pro/INTRALINK, create new workspaces, check out objects, and hopefully new or changed objects can be retrieved from the renamed .proi folders from within Pro/E and saved back to the new workspace. Be very careful with any files from the old .proi that may have been renamed in Pro/INTRALINK; they will still have the old name in the folders.
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