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I can't figure out exactly what is going on here. When I open models the shading is very washed out. If the model is something like a label that has an image file (jpeg) applied to a surface then it shows up darkened. I am using the same System Colors file from WF. Even though it shows to be loading, the only way I can get the shading to come in like it used to in WF is to go to the System Colors settings and manually reload the file. Attached is screen shot of when I initially open a model and then after I reload they system colors file. I thought M090 was going to resolve this but its still happening.
Also, I have to reload the system color file for every model I open.
I have this problem when I use certain environment files where the lighting of the room reflections are washing out the colors (too bright).
You can load a custom system color file in your
I have the looking at the syscol.scl (full path specified) and it comes in as it should in the "Custom" color scheme. But until I manually reload it, the shading is jacked up. I suppose I need to learn about the rendering or room lighting. Are there any files that are referenced by default for those. I assume that might affect the shading but I dont know why reloading system colors makes things right. Are the room lighting settings inside the system colors file?
There are some buggy things with the scene files. Sometimes they are in effect and other times they are disabled. This is only noticeable with custom color files. I can't get a consistent situation that I can report, so it still comes and goes. Just a really poor implementation.
It could also be the "shaded with reflections" that is coming up default. Then the material properties really makes a difference.
I do a lot of work that requires good clear shaded images to get the idea across. I am always having to adjust things to have them come out bright enough or not too bright. Just going to perspective dulls everything.
I agree with buggy description. LOL. This is something with Creo for sure. Never ever had this happen with WF. I will study up on the possibility of this been some rendering settings and maybe not directly the system colors file. Even with the improved shading display after I reload syscol.scl it does not look as good as it used to in WF.
I think I got it fixed. It was the Render Scene file. I made some adjustment to the lighting and saved the file to our server and added config pro option to look at the new scene file. Now its working like it should.