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We have been asking PTC for this functionality for over a year now. We would like to publish in HPGL during the Under Review phases due to the superior markup ability, and then to PDF when released to Production. According to PTC since you have to work out of the same recipe file it can't currently be done. I would imagine some enterprising user might be able to code a way to do it.
There is a tool called WT-PLOT from Software Factory that I saw this year at PlanetPTC that claims to be able to do this.
Let me know if you find a solution.
Ken Freeman
Hello Guys it is possible.
This can be achieved through the recipe file in the CAD Worker.Where you will find a option like Drawing O/P.
If u set it to HPGL , this particular worker will publish PLTfiles , if u set it to PDF , it will be dedicated for PDF.
Hello Mike ,
Perhaps there is a way to do it via customisation . there are filters available in wvs properties where you can use to send the objs you want to publish and filter the remaining , (may be like setting an identifying the difference from a custom attribute).
Regarding your main question , there are CADProxy Api's available from where you can rublish the format you wanted.
But sure that there are no OOTB features available for this.
Sriram Rammohan
Hello All -
Has anyone gotten this to work?
Thanks, Kathy
I am testing a similar setup in our QA system at the moment. It might be close enough to what you are asking for...
We have two PROE CADWorkers.One worker issetup to onlyprocess jobs sent tothe default queueset(PublisherQueueL, PublisherQueueM, PublisherQueueH, PublisherQueue1, etc.) and the other is setupto use a queueset that I call SUPER (PublisherQueueSUPERL, PublisherQueueSUPERM, etc.). Since each worker is on a different machine, I could have different settings inrecipe files on each, however for me that is not a requirement, so the recipe files are the same.
The SUPER queueset receives jobs that are very large assemblies only. In order to determine which queueset a job should be assigned to, I wrote a java function that traverses the assembly structure and counts the total number of dependencies. If the count is larger thansome threshold, I send the job to the SUPER queueset, and it is processed by the second cadworker.If the count does not surpass the threshold,the jobjust goes to the default queueset, and it is processed by the first cadworker. The property that you set in to call the function that determines which queueset to assign jobs tois "publish.publishqueue.priorities.filtermethod".
Hope this helps with the "can it be done" question.