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Will Creo work with a thin client and, if so, what requirements would need to be in place?
I have since Christmas been delivering KS3-KS5 Graphic Products and Product Design on a suite of 22 computers working from a thin client. My room is being used as an experiment by the network management to test the viability of using this technology throughout the school.
My experience has been mixed; the machines are far more reliable than the ancient desktops they replaced for which I am grateful but their performance with 3D graphic software is appalling (it isn't great with Photo-editing software either, but tolerable).
I currently use Pro-Desktop 8 and, on occasion. When using Pro-Desktop we have now got to the stage where we avoid the rendering component altogether unless absolutely necessary because of the glacial pace the application of lighting, colour and materials works at. This is also the case when using component parts in assembly. I have groups of around 20- 22 often attempting to model ideas in the software. I have shared my concerns with the network support folk and they THINK it may be something to to with how ancient Pro-Desktop 8 is and that Creo would be better.
Though I do not doubt their integrity, I do feel there is a great deal of enthusiasm from above for this experiment to be a success and I'm loathed to adopt another piece of software without some assurances that it will perform.