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WF 4 Reflection


WF 4 Reflection

More than one person has asked me about the background and room setup, so maybe more want to know....

You use and set up REAL-TIME RENDERING exactly as you would for performing a normal Pro/PHOTORENDER.

The room setup is in VIEW, MODEL SETUP, ROOM EDITOR (WF4).

Here, click on any square of the ROOM APPEARANCES section and replace the colour that's applied.

I used the grey default that's in the available colours section that pops up.



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It's Friday, this should be easy. I attended a Webinar yesterday and the gentleman running it had a 'reflection' to show the underside of his parts/assembly. How does one turn that on? I have Pro/E WF4, build M080. I happen to know he was using WF 4, and was using the regular Foundation package - nothing extra. He wasn't using the Render package exclusively. Hewas using default background. It stayed with the model even as he spun the model. It was like a mirror image in the floor, though you could not seea floor.

Brian in Colorado/Woodward Gov./Fort Collins, CO


I will say one thing. For someone who has only gotten up to WF2 that does
sound pretty interesting. IF I had the opportunity to look at WF4 I "might"
be able to find the answer to your question.

To me it sounds like one of the rendering options. Have you interrogated the
menu options for view and display? I am guessing that this is where you
"might" find such a thing.

When you find out, could you report? That would be worth knowing.

Michael P. Locascio

Laid-Off Pro/E Mechanical Design Engineer

Sounds like he was running wildfire 5, it has this feature similar to
Check out some of the new features on YouTube there are a few from ptc
showing v5.
Best regards

On 28 Aug 2009, at 23:26, "Michael P. Locascio" <->

> I will say one thing. For someone who has only gotten up to WF2 that
> does sound pretty interesting. IF I had the opportunity to look at
> WF4 I “might” be able to find the answer to your question.
> To me it sounds like one of the rendering options. Have you
> interrogated the menu options for view and display? I am guessing
> that this is where you “might” find such a thing.
> When you find out, could you report? That would be worth knowing.
> Michael P. Locascio
> Laid-Off Pro/E Mechanical Design Engineer

That feature has been around since WF...1!

Stephen Whyte wrote:Hi,Sounds like he was running wildfire 5, it has this feature similar to solidworks.Check out some of the new features on YouTube there are a few from ptc showing v5.Best regardsStephen


Well, if you KNOW IT – SHOW IT. Rui Vaz, it would be good to know what you mean. Because I am not aware of that feature being available, or what it might be called, or where it is you might be looking for this feature.

Michael P. Locascio

WF 5 adds some additional ease-of-use, but REAL-TIME RENDERING has been available since WF1.


And I did "SHOW IT" (not sure of your tone, Michael, but didn't quite like the way I read it. Might be my interpretation, but "sounded" like scorning). I replied to Brian, the original poster, with the steps needed. It would be up to him to post the summary. He never replied to me so not sure if I gave him what he wanted or not.


Michael P. Locascio wrote:Well, if you KNOW IT – SHOW IT. Rui Vaz, it would be good to know what you mean. Because I am not aware of that feature being available, or what it might be called, or where it is you might be looking for this feature. Michael P. Locascio From:Rui Vaz [

Update: Summary

Nothing to really report. Suggestions didnt seem to work. I have another webinar in a few weeks. It maybe the same presenter. If it is, I'll ask him and repost.

And yes, Andrew. This is exactly what I saw. But the presenter made the comment that he was using WF4, and should have used WF5. I have tried all suggestions which were sent me and I still will cannot get that effect (I am using WF4). I tried the Room Editor (under Model Setup), turned off walls, played with Model Display, but cannot obtain the exact look of what is shown in the example. You know that the one guy who knows the answer is probably still on vacation!! J Lucky him….

Thanks everyone!

When you find out, could you report? That would be worth knowing.
Michael P. Locascio

Played around with WF4 a bit and have updated my information on this item


You covered this quite well. I have taken the same approach in WF4. The
main difference as you mentioned is the inability to make the floor
transparent in WF4.

To build off of Andy's comments.

Suggestion for WF4:

Go to an orthographic view (i.e. side)

Switch to cylindrical room

Snap the walls and floor to the model

Lock the room to the model

Scale the floor - very large

Re-snap the floor to the model


Tim McLellan
Mobius Innovation and Development, Inc.
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