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Yep...with you on this one. sketch, upon copy, upon copy, upon sketch....Ugh! There is definitely more to deal with now when using the SB. AND...if you want a 3-D curve to drive the SB, two sketches are required to create the 3-D intersect unless you drop backand useLegacyto use "2 projected curve" (still 2 sketches but intersected for free). Then you need to copy the resultant curve for an approximate if you want the nodes removed. Too much.....
I think what may have happened is the Swept Blend lagged so long behind the VSS in the Wildfire development that this is something that was simply overlooked. Or...since the VSS is more versatile now, PTC must have thought it would take the place of SB. They act almost identically now in most cases.
BTW...there was the ability to utilize an "influencing curve" in Pre Wildfire Swept BLend. It was an unattached curve that gave "flavor" to the SB. In fact, if my gray matter is still functioning I seem to remember you could use more than one.
Don't know if any Hidden Config exists.