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Wildfire 3.0 program freezing


Wildfire 3.0 program freezing

While working in a large top-down assembly with 2000+ coordinate systems (most hidden) I have had significant problems with the program freezing or "not responding". I have let the program run for up to 45 minutes but the freeze appears to be terminal and results in me closing the program. Freezing tends to happen when I am adding a new part and attaching the coordinate system on the part to the one in the skeleton model of the assembly. I pick the coordinate system from the file tree and this does not cause an issue, but the new part is not on the file tree yet so I have to pick the point from the window. Initially I was doing this in the main window, and then found fewer problems with the freezing occurring when I picked the point in the secondary window containing only the part to be added. This worked a few times but has started causing the same issue the last few times I have done it. Any solution or even a simple work-around would be appreciated.
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You can try selecting the coordinate system from the part being placed using the Search Tool (Ctrl+F) and search for the coordinate system in that part, as, like you said, the part is not in the Model Tree yet. As far as why the system freezes, it might be a graphic card compatibility and maybe that's why selecting from the screen causes freezing. You can check and see if your graphic card is PTC-certified or you can try reinstall the card driver. PTC site has a PDF for the system requirements/supported hardware for each version of Pro/E.
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