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abs accuracy value for plastic parts/mold design/machining


abs accuracy value for plastic parts/mold design/machining

Hello ProE users...

I have a question concerning the abs accuracy parameter that I should use to model plastic parts and the molds that will be designed after them.

What value are you currently using?

At the moment I´m using 0,0254 mm (0,001 inches). Is this tolerance too high??

So far I have had good results with this value, I just want to know what most of you out there are using and why.

thanks, best regards


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21-Topaz II

We use an absolute accuracy of 0.0001"/ 0.0025mm for all of our parts. Back when I was doing mold design in Pro|E (7.5+ years ago) I used the same value. It worked well. I'm wondering if an allowable edge of only 1/1000" (0.001") is possibly too large for molded parts and all the small radii and transitions involved, especially with more organic shapes. On the other hand, if it's working for you, why change it? If you're getting a lot of tiny edge geom checks, I think that would be a sign that your accuracy value is too large.

Doug Schaefer
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
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