I am having a problem submitting an assembly drawing into PDMLink. The drawing was originally created by doing a save-as on an assembly which also created a duplicate drawing with the same name. Now, when I try to submit the new drawing to PDMLink, it wants to submit a subassembly of the original assembly and lists it as an alternate dependent to the drawing in the submission list. The link is only with the drawing, because the old subassembly does not show up if I only try to submit the new assembly.
I have tried to use reference viewer, but it only seems to work for assemblies/parts not drawings. I verified that the old subassembly model does not shown up on the model list under Drawing Properties. Do you have any ideas on how I can find and break this link between the old subassembly and the new drawing.
I am using Wildfire 4 M190 and Windchill PDMLink 9.1 M060.
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