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my student creo said
The file C:1Program Files\PTC1Creo 3.01M1101Common Files\textkrosshatch\isoliso_alloy_steel.xch was created with a commercial version of Creo Parametric and is not compatible with the version of Creo Parametric Student Edition (for educational use only) you are running.
What can I Do
I think that the fastest solution is to create new user defined xhatching.
I asked Google ... creo create hatching pattern
One of links was ...
One reply contains following information...
Open or create a drawing with views having section(cross hatching).Select the hatching right click,choose Properties.
Then from the resulting MENU select ADD LINE, define spacing,offset,angle for the line.Go on adding the lines to make up your hatch pattern.Afer done,choose DELETE LINE from the menu,select the original line(s) of the hatch pattern in which you have added lines.Now you can set differen LINE FONTS for individual lines added.Finally choose SAVE from the menu.Your hatch pattern is created for you in any drawing.