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I need to create the flat state of sheet metal compenent and insert the sheet metal developmet in manufacturing drawing
along with the bending views, plase guide me .
Welcome to the forum, Suhas.
Please provie a bit more information in order to know how to help.
What version of the software are you using?
Is the part you want to change to the flat state a part file or a sheetmetal file?
What specifically do you mean by "insert the sheetmetal developement"?
Have you gone through any of the tutorials on how to work with the sheet metal module in Creo,WF, or Pro|E?
I am currently using creo parametric 2 trial edition.
I want to know that when i create simple sheet metal part, i also need to create the manufacturing drawing
For that i require to give 3 views i,e side top and front along with the develoment drawing that is unbend drawing.
So in proe wild fire 4 the proccess to create the flat state is,
1)Take unbend command .
2) Edit --- set up---- flat state and create and save .
this steps i know in wild fire 4
But i want to know that process in creo paramentric 2
please guide me regarding this.
Have a look at this document:
Creo 2.0 Sheetmetal - Simplified Reps for flat pattern drawings
This is not the only way, but it will get you there.
I used the attached procedure and it works great, only one model and you can insert the flat state in the drawing along with the final product view. My only question is I saved a copy of the model I created and want to change the extrusion thickness for the part, but the thickness will not update. I see a red border around the model with the new thickness, but it won't regenerate. Why is that??
Figures, soon as I reply on this thread, I figure it out. You have to update the thickness on the driving surface and this will update the model all the way through.