Original Question:
I have 4 patterns of points along 4 different curves. I have been asked to
provide the coordinates of each point relative to a master coordinate
I have tried an analysis feature, which gives me distance_x, distance_y and
distance_z for a given point on a given curve. I can reference pattern these
analysis features along the curve.
However, I want to use these distance values in a spreadsheet, so I need to
export them, as a text file, or as an excel file.
Now, if I click on each analysis feature in the model tree, right click,
model parameters, file, export, save, I can create a separate text file for
each of the 115 analysis features. I can then open each text file separately
and copy and paste the values into a single text file.
However, life is too short.
115 sets of 3 measurements...
An awful lot of clicks.
Is there a cunning way I can select a number of datum points and extract
their coordinates into another application? I'm hoping for a 'Yes' answer
Thank you all for the replies. I never expected it to be possible in so many
different ways...
I have not tried this specific exercise, but would it be possible to set up
a repeat region in a Pro.REPORT table with cells populated by the values
from your analysis features? If you can do that, you can export that table
out as either text or spreadsheet. Might be worth trying.
See if the steps in the attached document will work for you. This process
still requires a few steps, but far fewer than what you have mentioned.
If you don't have an answer yet here are 3 methods from PTC.
1) Select #Interface, #Export, #IGES, #Dtm Crv/Pnt to create an IGES
file, then create a datum
point array by selecting #Feature, #Create, #Datum,
#Point, #Offset Csys, select a
reference coordinate system, select the coordinate type
(eg Cartesion), #Read Points,
enter the IGES (.igs) file name previously created, and
#Done. Lastly, create the
desired column XYZ output by selecting #Feature,
#Redefine, select the datum point
array just created, #Done, and #Output.
2) Select #Info, #Measure, #Distance and manually pick points.
The coordinates are written
to the Message Window and trail file.
3) Create the IGES file as noted in technique 1 and search the
IGES file for datum
point entity types, type 116 where the coordinates can
be extracted.
How about adding the parameters to the family table, then exporting the
family table to excel? You may even be able to use the find command to add
the analysis parameters to the family table quickly.
you may write model relations to switch the feature parameters from your
analysis features to model parameters:
e.g. X1=measure:FID_fid
where "X1" is your new model parameter, "measure" is the name of the
parameter you created with (inside) your analysis feature, "fid" is the
feature ID of your analysis feature
When you have created those relations for all your parameters go to "Tools"
==> "Parameters" and voila ... you see all your parameters.
You can export the parameters as "CSV" file and then easily import in Excel
You can export the part to STEP and only tickmark Datum Curves and Points.
Select your coordinatesystem as Reference.
Open the STEP file in an editor. All your point will be listed like this in
the file:
With a little editing (search and replace) this can be transformed to a csv
format for Excel Import.
I used the method described in the attached file and I am glad to say it
worked very well indeed.
Thanks again, all
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