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Many CAD packages have worked with 3D Connexion to add their "auto-center" feature as an enhancement to their CAD experience. I see value in designers using a 3D mouse in collaboration with their CAD program, e.g. CREO, but ONLY if the "auto-center" is incorporated into its functionality.
Please contact me, or 3D connexion for the appropriate contact to allow our designer's to efficiently use this hardware to boost the CAD experience with CREO and the 3D mouse.
I'm not sure what "auto center" means, can you elaborate?
Sure Doug...
As you are using your 2D mouse, and with the fix "spin-center" off on CREO, by using a middle-button click and moving the cursor, CREO will set a new spin center based upon the mouse's location at that point.
When using a 3D mouse, it is, in a sense always using a fix center. In order to reposition the spin frame, you need to use the middle-button click and draw the 2D mouse to re-center your axis of rotation. This is painful and takes time.
3D connexion has an "auto-center" feature that will, after a short time of delay, act as the middle-button click and reposition the spin center automatically.
This is exteremly beneficial when working with large models, and is one of the reasons for the middle-click on the 2D mouse. Just need some collaboration with 3D connexion to get their auto-center feature into CREO.
I was going to add a new Product Idea but it may fit better as part of this one.
I'd like Creo to add Assembly Center as an option to the list of Spin Center Options in the Orientation dialogue box. Model Center works great with my 3D Connexion mouse when opening and working on a part. However, assemblies spin around a point in space until I MMB click and rotate the assembly (even though I have Spin Center turned off by default in my Then my 3D mouse uses that new center.