In a Creo Illustration3 figure, there is a particular assembly that I frequently need to rotate around a particular axis.
To do this, I have to Hide several pieces that are in the way, and change from my default orientation (all to get the axis accessible). I then select the assembly, select Transform, and the rotation ball comes up in a location other than what I want. I right click on the assembly, and select "Location". I choose Select Coordinate System and I get the little Select Coordinate System window. I hover the cursor over the axis loation until it shows in the Select Coordinate System window, then click OK. As desired, the rotation "ball" moves as desired, and I can rotate the assembly as I wanted.
Is there a way I can save and recall that Coordinate System with that Assembly? I frequently need to go through the whole sequence above, and it takes a lot of time (and yields a lot of frustration!).
Any ideas will be much appreciated!
Tom Burton
Well, I found a way to deal with this problem with one caveat (which I'll get to at the end)
Save and exit the Creo Illustrate figure. Do whatever you normally to to completely exit.
When you want to use the "saved" axes....
The caveat is that this will only work for one "new coordinate system" for a given part / assembly. You can't create several coordinate systems and select whichever onr you want for a particular use.