I'm using Creo Simulate 3.0 and I'm having trouble using fasteners through more than 2 solids.
Creo keeps saying my model isn't constrained enough even after putting grounded springs of infinitely small values to try to trick him. Has anybody used Creo fasteners in a similar case ?
Thanks in advance.
Kevin L.
EDIT: Finaly got it working by placing two simple springs of infinitely small stiffness between each pair of solids.
the Simulate's internal Fastener tool works only between two components.
If you want a screw/bolt that intersects three or more parts you have to use a "solid screw" with preload. If you use Creo 3 there is a specific tool named "preload". For the previous releases you can utilize a thermal load on a solid element or a beam.
What you've done with the springs is another workaround.
Remember that if you are interested to have a detailed view of what happen near the screw/bolt hole, you need to use contact regions between between each parts, with or without friction depends always on the level of detail.