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We are trying to create a parts catalaog with Arbotext. Picture on the LH side table on the RH side. We can create the basic layout of how we would like it to look.
Some questionswe have for others that arecurrentlydoing this,is you style sheet customized to breaka table and contiue it on the next page? Can it alsocopy theimage and place it on the nextpage also?
Is your index all numbers? Does it format correctly? We have a mixture of 4 to 6 digits. It seems to start at the first digit being 100000, the goes goes until the second digit comes into play, then organizes all the numbers regardless of actual value that start with 120000.
How do you formatthe index to look better when you have lots of pages under one entry?
So insideevery index entry, I would need another index-sort-as element with 01 as the value?
In Reply to Suzanne Napoleon:
Hi Byron,
If you are using FOSI, the attached PDF (from my not-quite-finished book on FOSI) shows an example of what I think you are trying to do with a graphic and table.
For numerical sorting with FOSI indexing, you need a "sortas" attribute. For example:
><indexterm><primary sort-as="01">19634</primary></indexterm>
When the sortas attribute has a value, FOSI coding adds an <ixkey> with the attribute value to the preliminary index entry. Index processing takes it from there.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Suzanne Napoleon
"WYSIWYG is last-century technology!"
I will take a look, the only problem is that I know enough to be dangerous. I have a tough time trying to desipher the help topics in the PTC support.
Thanks for all the help everyone, I now see that the using the sort as element it makes the program believe that it is a six digit number by using the sort as element to add zeros infront. I am using the sma side by side and do not see the primary tag. I looked under the modify attributes but did not see it there. Is there another spot where it is? Is it neccessary for my instance.
In Reply to Suzanne Napoleon:
Hi Byron,
If you are using FOSI, the attached PDF (from my not-quite-finished book on FOSI) shows an example of what I think you are trying to do with a graphic and table.
For numerical sorting with FOSI indexing, you need a "sortas" attribute. For example:
><indexterm><primary sort-as="01">19634</primary></indexterm>
When the sortas attribute has a value, FOSI coding adds an <ixkey> with the attribute value to the preliminary index entry. Index processing takes it from there.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Suzanne Napoleon
"WYSIWYG is last-century technology!"
Sorry for not being more clear. What I am after is correct numerical order 4 digit , then 5 digit, then 6 digit, then 7 digit numerical decending, if you look at the pdf I included it goes from 4 digit in the correct order using the sort as element (again thanks). The problem is the six and seven digit numbers are before the 345678 six digit number, even though there value is higher. How would I sort those to show up in the correct order.
In Reply to Suzanne Napoleon:
Are you saying that you want the numeric entries to come after the alphabetic entries?
<indexterm><index-sort-as>001234</index-sort-as>1234</indexterm>1234 is what our index markup looks like, It was by your suggestion to add the index-sort-as element inorder to get the index to initially format correctly. Now I am looking at numbers more than six digits, and the index does not seem to handle those correctly placing the seven digit numbers before a six digit.
Thanks for your help
See the attached image for the fos files I have in my application. Have opened and searched all of them and there is no reference to index in them.