I hear you Ed.
But here is an "I hope the glass is half full" view (or is it a wish, not a
view?). PTC and PTC/User (not necessarily in coordination) are abandoning
the Technical Committee model for Arbortext users which never really seemed
to work for us. I came "late" to the game, and by that I mean post-AUGI.
But it seemed to me that the Arbortext culture of users / developers /
admins / partners was not suited to the TC model that honestly seems to
work really well for the bulk of PTC customers (well, core product users,
less or not at all for "acquired" users). So, reading between the lines of
Anica's latest announcement and inferring the best possible outcome, maybe
PTC is creating a day-and-a-half Arbortext-only conference following the
main conference that will be company run (not TC based), address Arbortext
only issues (putting all of us literally back in one room ... at least this
year), avoid mentioning SIS as much as possible 😉 include product road
maps and presentations (but not mentioning SIS 😉 and soliciting our
feedback on whatever is being developed (but not SIS 😉
Oh, and it's free.
That could work, right? Then maybe next year they could provide a facility
and a spot on the schedule for a demo jam. Maybe one user presentation. And
grow from there. See, that glass is half-full.