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I'm still working the 38,000 pager - thanks for the help so far guys! Got me in the ballpark.
One issue is the PE not finding graphics. Not sure why it is an issue if Editor can find it, then PE should, too, or get it from the Editor client...isn't that what it says in the PE PDF?
PTC has me editing the document on the PE server with PE services turned off - that helps...get a few more error lost graphics (graphics randomly showing up - different graphics with every print!) I coded the path to the graphics directory in Tools | Preferences | Files | Graphics and that seemed to fix it - but that only works on a local machine.
How do I tell the PE where the dozens of graphics directories are? Preferably without having to update every graphic with a public identifier. Can I use the catalog file to map to the directories without mapping to each graphic?
Take this for example:
A network graphic location - G:\TM 9-2355-319-10\Graphics\CHAPTER 3\ABSio.wmf
The local location on the PE (they are on the same physical hard drive as the PE) - E:\IETM-Backups\IETM-Docs\MRAP Full TM\TM 9-2355-319-10\Graphics\CHAPTER 3\ABSio.wmf
Looking at the entities references, they vary:
a. G:\TM 9-2355-319-10\Graphics\CHAPTER 3\
b. Graphics\CHAPTER 3\
c. No directory reference
So, if I can use the catalog, I can map all three ways and PE will figure it out? I've searched help and PDFs and can't find any examples of mapping a drive.
And there is no Tools | Files window on the PE...
John T. Jarrett
BAE Systems | Arbortext version 5.4 | LOGSA XSL-FO v 1.5