If you look at the entity declarations (enter "edit -current -untaggedascii" on the command line) you will find that there are two declarations after you insert the entity again. When Epic inserts a graphic entity declaration it will not duplicate an existing emtityname, so it appends a number to the existing graphic entity declaration as you describe.
Your .dcf file will specify the name of the attribute holding the entityname as "entity";
I haven't seen the problem here since I changed the instructions on how to replace a graphic.
Entity method (MIL-STD-38784 based DTDs). An attribute where the graphic is referenced contains the name of an entity that actually references the graphic file. e.g. <graphic boardno="" reprodep="8.25in" reprowid="7.5in" hplace="center">
o The entity name must start with a letter and is not allowed to contain any characters except period, dash, alphabetical, and numeric characters. The underscore, space, and all other keyboard and all non-keyboard characters are specifically disallowed
o To replace the graphic with a new graphic DO NOT change the entity name (contents of BOARDNO attribute must remain the same). Doing so causes a duplicate declaration and only the first declaration found will be effective. Instead, highlight the graphic tag, click on Entities->Graphic, and edit the file name inside the entity declaration as shown (this changes the declaration instead in inserting a new one):
Maybe this will help,
\ / Andy Esslinger LM Aero - Tech Order Data
______-/\-______ (817) 279-0442 1 Lockheed Blvd, MZ 4285
\_\/_/ (817) 777-3047 Fort Worth, TX 76108-3916