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We're starting to create Schematron files to validate our XML content, now that support for them has been introduced in Arbortext Editor 6.
However, when writers on the team use the "Check Completeness" feature, they receive a list of warnings that are completely safe, in addition to legitimate Schematron issues. For example:
DITA Markup ProblemsWARNING:
"foo.xml" is missing an xml:lang attribute on the root element.
DITA Reference ProblemsWARNING:
Unusual value "new-window:PDF" specified for type attribute on xref element in "foo.xml".
WARNING: External/Peer reference to "bar.pdf" on xref element in "foo.xml" is not represented in a correct format
While Arbortext may think that every root element, for example, needs an xml:lang attribute defined, we put ours in during build time in order to support multiple languages. And new-window:PDF is also an attribute used for special purposes for the build.
Is there some way I can override or "block" checks that I know are not necessary? At the least I'm looking for just running Schematron against the file, but what would be best is Schematron + well-formedness / context rules.
In Reply to Brandon Ibach:
But how does Arbortext decide what counts as "completeness"? If the type attribute on an xref, for instance, accepts CDATA, it shouldn't matter if I put new-window:PDF or kalamazoo or what-have-you. How come the check flags it as a warning?
All of the checks of DITA constraints beyond what is enforced by the
DTD are part of the "enhanced completeness check" provided by the
Arbortext DITA application. If you just want the regular completeness
check, you could redefine the command alias invoked by the "Check
Completeness" menu and toolbar button:
alias CheckCompleteness cc -full
-Brandon 🙂
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Garen Torikian
@<> wrote:
> We're starting to create Schematron files to validate our XML content, now
> that support for them has been introduced in Arbortext Editor 6.
> However, when writers on the team use the "Check Completeness" feature, they
> receive a list of warnings that are completely safe, in addition to
> legitimate Schematron issues. For example:
> DITA Markup ProblemsWARNING:
> "foo.xml" is missing an xml:lang attribute on the root element.
> DITA Reference ProblemsWARNING:
> Unusual value "new-window:PDF" specified for type attribute on xref element
> in "foo.xml".
> WARNING: External/Peer reference to "bar.pdf" on xref element in "foo.xml"
> is not represented in a correct format
> While Arbortext may think that every root element, for example, needs an
> xml:lang attribute defined, we put ours in during build time in order to
> support multiple languages. And new-window:PDF is also an attribute used for
> special purposes for the build.
> Is there some way I can override or "block" checks that I know are not
> necessary? At the least I'm looking for just running Schematron against the
> file, but what would be best is Schematron + well-formedness / context
> rules.
> ----------