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Can someone tell me where the annotate Output Specification document is located? I was looking around and didn't find it in the obvious docs folder (at least not with a name I recognized).
I'm trying to find out if PTC extended FOSI to support the generation of PDF bookmarks. Related to that will be when as I'm working in a 5.3 (might get to 5.4 next year) environment.
thanks, this looks good
do you know where that annotated Output Spec document lives?
Thanks for the notes. In looking at my configuration for this DTD/FOSI, it looks like the elementoption for the title tag was not in the DCF file. When I added the title I got a bunch of stuff in the bookmarks area and I'm not sure what is controlling that as other changes in the DCF to modify division settings does not seem to take affect. At first I was thinking that it was just producing the print TCO into the bookmarks area but the level of detail is much greater.
In the DCF I have the follwing elements listed as divisions:
chapter9 (yeah there is a separate chapter tag for each chapter)
I get a list of tables even though it is not in the DCF and I don't get the figures, yet it is there. The chapter tiltes are not listed, but all the places a title appears in the chapter seem to be list. Any idea what is going on here? In looking at the books marks a little more I have:
+ toc
+ tables
+ toc
The first toc when expanded seems to be a very flat listing of all the tiltes (no nesting). It actually appears to be too long for Acrobat to display it. When expanded, I loose the other tables and toc sections. The tables section appears to be a good list of all the tables across the document. The second toc section has some nesting. It seems to start with the section heads, with the para0s nested - still no chapter titles, but it does pickup the appendix breaks and nests content in those.
The paper TOC lists that chapter tiles and the section titltes.
Is there anyway to nest results in the bookmarks or how is this controlled? I'm getting some strange results that I can't explain if the bookmarks are generated based upon the DCF entries.
In Reply to Andy Esslinger:
I'll bet that any element you set as category="title" in the dcf will produce a bookmark in the PDF (almost).
The Arbortext help reads: "Epic Editor generates PDF bookmarks for every occurrence of an element whose configured as a division Title in a document type's .dcf file, regardless of context. Any generated text (controlled by your FOSI) that is produced as part of a division title element is also added to the bookmark."
Never mind, just found this:
Have the FOSI produce the following at beginning of the document, which has the effect of disabling automatic