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Hi All!
I'm a newbie here and fairly new to the dark underbelly of structured authoring. I've been using Editor/PE/CPA for almost 5 years and have been working with the e-learning modules for several months. All of which leads to:
I've been working on a custom doctype for a supplement publication management wants. Everything is great so far except for one thing. Graphics in a document display properly on output using Styler's print preview and compose buttons, but not when using Editor's print preview and compose features. Our PE installation lives on a server with our CPA installation.
All graphics live in a folder at the same directory level as their associated document file. We're running Editor/PE 5.4 M030.
Thanks for any help!!
No errors coming back from PE. In the instance I'm working on the graphic is inside a <figure> tag, and PE sees that and marks the title with the autogenned "Fig. 1".
DCF file has compose set up for pdf and html, no config file.
Hi Gareth,
I have the same problem trying to print preview or compose using PE interactive. I built the custom doctype on my computer and then installed into the custom folder of the PTC directory on the server that houses PE. So the stylesheets should be identical.
If I open a test document in Styler, I can click the print preview or compose button in the Styler dialog and the output is correct. If I print preview or compose the same document using the buttons in Editor, the illustration does not show up in the output.
I was looking through a document instance that uses a PTC created doctype (we use CPA). In that document instance under Entities > Notations, the various graphic types are listed (tiff, eps, etc.). The DTD column is checked in this document instance. It is not in my custom doctype ( obviously I haven't coded the DTD for this). Could this be the problem? Does PE need to have these "notations" of graphic types declared in the DTD to properly "see" them?
I hope the above wasn't too convoluted of a question!
Roy Gamble
Perhaps I coded the graphic declaration incorrectly in the DTD. My DTD declarations are as follows:
I was wrong earlier: there is an error when previewing/composing. It's as follows:
Error: The graphics file C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\temp\activeTransactions\rq_33672\source\Graphics\SKYLink
Electrical Power Panel.tif could not be opened. (page 4)
Not sure why PE is looking for this graphic in the Tomcat directory. Thanks for any ideas!
Roy Gamble
Okay, so the problem seems to be that PE isn't able to "see" the graphics files. In our setup document files and their associated graphics live on one of the network drives.
If I have a document (custom doctype) and it's associated graphics in one directory (folder), PE "sees" the graphics and output is correct.
If I have a document in one directory (folder) and it's associated graphics in a sub-directory (folder), PE apparently is not able to "see" the graphics. Doesn't PE automatically look in any subfolders in the same directory as the document for graphics? I guess not.
I need to create an instance.acl file to stick in the custom directory to force PE to look in the subdirectory. I guess "append_graphics_path". Not sure how the syntax should go . Will continue wrestling with it!!