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Now we use DTD of S1000D issue 3.0. And we would like to create DM according to issue 4.1 with xsd.
We don't have PTC Architect. We connected dm xsd, but editor is not able to choose elements andmessage "Insertion of text not allowed in this context" appears.
Can you help us?
Hi Greg,
I proceed exactly how you described. I create empty data module, but I can’t edit DM, because I can’t insert any elements.
I don’t know where problem is.
Hi Greg,
I understand, but the problem has still continued.
Before procedure Data Module opens, the following message is appeared (ref figure). I press OK and DM opens. I want to insert element for example <proceduralstep> into <mainprocedure>, but I can’t and the text in the bottom line shows "Insertion of text not allowed in this context".
It is very interesting that Arbortext v5.3 works OK and Arbortext v5.4 doesn’t.
I am not Arbortext expert, cannot this problem be in the elements mapping?
Can you any idea?
I must apologize to Greg.
I tried it again and second method (from menu) works OK.
Thank you very much.