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Hi, using ISODROW7.3
i need to get in messagebox the position X,Y of text.
I tried this but it 's not running, please can you help me
DEFINE el AS Element
Select IF Type is equal to "Text"
el = activeDoc.firstSelectedElement
WHILE (Exists (el) = true )
define a as string
define b as string
a = el.position.x.string
b= el.position.y.string
message a + b
This will work. 🙂
global EleGlobal AS Element
Macro Testing
Select IF Type is equal to "Text"
EleGlobal = activeDoc.firstSelectedElement
WHILE (Exists (EleGlobal) = true)
DEFINE sx as Integer
DEFINE sy as Integer
sx = EleGlobal.text.startPoint.x
sy = EleGlobal.text.startPoint.y
MESSAGE "startPoint.x = " + sx + $Newline + "startPoint.y = " + sy
EleGlobal = EleGlobal.nextSelectedElement
END while
End macro