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IsoDraw 7.1


IsoDraw 7.1

Has anyone been successful in obtaining the JT adapter and installing it???

We have installed the .jt adaptor and find it does not load our .jt drawings. It recognises the .jt file type, comes up with the box to select assemblies etc. but as soon as it starts to load the file it gives the message "Caution. Error importing the CAD file". The files load fine into jt2go v8 so we don't know what the proble is.

To install the JT-adapter, do the following steps.

When you install the JT Adapter, it will create a "jt2pv.exe" file in "C:\<installation_path>\ProductView Client\bin". Now you should go to "C:\<installation_path>\Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1\Program\Adapters\JT" and find the "pvad_xlite.prf" file. Within this file, you need to uncomment 2 lines by removing the # symbpls at the beginning. You can open this file with a text editor, such as Notepad ((but first make sure that the file is editable, ie no check mark "read")). These are "Executable" and "Recipe". They should then point to the files:

Executable: C:\<installation_path>\ProductView Client\bin\jt2pv.exe

Recipe: C:\<installation_path>\ProductView Client\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp



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