Remember, too, per Ed's suggestion, that a print driver probably comes with
physical limitations associated with the printer it is intended to drive. So
if it only prints 8.5"x11" you won't be getting any 14" or 17" pages without
clipping or reducing the print image.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Buss, Jason A
> I am trying to install an instance of Arbortext 5.3M040 PE on a new server
> (64-bit, Win2008 Server EE).****
> ** **
> The Adobe Universal Print Driver that ships with distiller server isn’t
> compatible with Win 2008 (at least per the Adobe forums).****
> ** **
> Any ideas on a good generic postscript driver for LPT1 port to use with
> PE? Since I can’t get distiller server to install the generic distiller
> driver (what the PE documentation says is used internally for testing), I’ll
> need to come up with something else.****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks****
> ** **
> -Jason A. Buss****