In editor view, image can be of any size. Its size in the editor and print preview is currently controlled by <graphics> attributes like "scalefit", "scaleheight", "scalewidth", "scalepct" and "resol".
In the print FOSI, we have defined a page having definition for header and footer. This image is the only element which can appear in the body text area of this page.
Currently, if image size is big enough, it overlaps with the footer area. Now, we want to restrict the image size within the flowtext area and it should never flow to the footer area, irrespective of the graphic's attribute values and image size.
Please let us know how this can be achieved in the print FOSI. We have not come across anything in the print FOSI which could limit the size of the graphics within the flowtext area.
This is very high priority issue for us. Your quick and valuable information will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Girish Kumar