That can be true, unless you are preparing revisions for the US military. When asking the question you didn't specify what king of manual you were changing or what kind of software you are using. I do not want to argue; I was asking for information on your target requirements and what kind of software (and Stylesheet) you are using.
For military revisions administrative changes (dot pages, dot, dot objects, enumeration changes, grammatical changes, and previous changes) are all nulled out and change bars are only displayed for technical changes that occur within the revision. For example, look at the change marks in the newest revision of TO 00-5-1. It has change bars on technical changes.
Excerpt from TO 00-5-1, newest revision, dated: 1 May 2011 (highlighting mine) (you should be able to find a copy if you want it, it is marked as: Distribution Statement A - Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited).
2.16.2 Change Page Marking. The applicable change numbers are reflected next to the page number on each of the changed pages. Whenever feasible, change markings (e.g., vertical black lines in page border, light grey shading, underlining, etc.) will indicate where new text changes occur in an update or revision. <snip> (see screen shot below):
In addition to these written requirements there may be addition requirements from the "procuring agency" such as the agency controlling my TOs does not want a change number next to the page number on revisions (because the revision does not have a number assigned).
Hope this helps,
\ / Andy Esslinger LM Aero - Tech Order Data
_____-/\-_____ (817) 279-0442 1 Lockheed Blvd, MZ 4285
\_\/_/ (817) 777 3047 Fort Worth, TX 76108-3916