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Simple List question


Simple List question


I think I must be overlooking something simple..... again....

My list items after a nested list are starting back at 1 like a reset has happened, but I only reset the counter at the begininng of the list.


(a) list item
(b) list item
(1) nested list item
(2) nested list item
(a) list item should be (c) the XML is coded correctly, because the screen displays it correctly with another FOSI

What am I forgetting to check? I feel silly this should be a simple 101 FOSI coding.

Thanks Ellen


Hi Ellen-

My suggestion would be to pull out the e-i-c's for the relevant list
elements from both stylesheets and diff them to see what the good
(screen) stylesheet is doing that the bad (print) one isn't, or vice


Did you reset the correct counter?

Are you using nested lists within list items or just nested list items within other list items?

Hi Ellen,

If you wanted to support five levels of list, you would have five
different list counters to keep track of the current enumeration of each
list level. It sounds to me like you're resetting and/or using the
incorrect list counter. I would double check the e-i-c's for the lists
to make sure the correct counters are being used.



It appears from your example that you're using multiple counters to track the different levels of your list. However, it also appears that you are inadvertantly resetting the first level counter when you start your second level.

In general, you only want to reset the "new" level counter at the "first" occurrance of the item within the new level. That way it obviously doesn't continue from the last use of the counter. You don't want to reset the counter above it since the next use of the upper level will now be from your reset value. Hence, as shown in your example, you have (a), (b), (1), (2), [reset upper counter], (a)...

Hope this helps,


In Reply to Ellen Headrick:


I think I must be overlooking something simple..... again....

My list items after a nested list are starting back at 1 like a reset has happened, but I only reset the counter at the begininng of the list.


(a) list item
(b) list item
(1) nested list item
(2) nested list item
(a) list item should be (c) the XML is coded correctly, because the screen displays it correctly with another FOSI

What am I forgetting to check? I feel silly this should be a simple 101 FOSI coding.

Thanks Ellen

Yes these are all the things I have looked at 🙂 As I said it all looks straight forward to me, but not wanting to work! 🙂

<charsubset charsubsetid="level1.list">
<reset resetlist="level1.ct"> </charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="level2.list">
<reset resetlist="level2.ct"> </charsubset>
Add to counters
<charsubset charsubsetid="far.level1.item" charsubsetref="list.item.indent">
<enumerat increm="1" enumid="level1.ct">
<savetext textid="dingbat.txt" conrule="\(\,level1.ct[AL],\)\">
<charsubset charsubsetid="far.level2.item" charsubsetref="list.item.indent">
<enumerat increm="1" enumid="level2.ct">
<savetext textid="dingbat.txt" conrule="\(\,level2.ct[AR],\)\">

<charsubset charsubsetid="list.indent" charsubsetref="block">
<indent inherit="1" leftind="@+6mm" rightind="0">

Dingbat at the para level
<e-i-c gi="para" context="listitem" occur="first">
<charlist inherit="1" charsubsetref="endline" postspace_high_2=" keep_tog_page_7&quot;=">
<usetext source="dingbat.txt,@6mm" placemnt="before"/">

Ellen B Headrick

From: Bob Spangenburg [

Hope this helps,




There are things still missing in the code you wrote here. I'm sure it's because you were trying to stay brief, but I can't see enough to tell me what is triggering the levels, when the counters are called by the charsubset's, or when the levels are reset.

In your example here, I'm also seeing an ID reference of "list.item.indent", but the ID is just "list.item". Like I said, there's too many missing pieces. I'm sure that the issue is something simple and could be nothing more than a single character mis-typed. If you're willing to share some more information, I'd be glad to try to help.


Cut it down to a working example 🙂

<counter initial="0" enumid="level1.ct">
<counter initial="0" enumid="level2.ct"></rsrcdesc>
<pageset id="body">
<charsubset charsubsetid="block">
<textbrk startln="1" endln="1"></charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="endline">
<textbrk endln="1"></charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="list.indent" charsubsetref="block">
<indent inherit="1" leftind="@+6mm" rightind="0"></charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="list.item.indent" charsubsetref="block">
<indent inherit="1" leftind="@+6mm" rightind="0" firstln="*-6mm">
<charsubset charsubsetid="level1.list">
<reset resetlist="level1.ct"></charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="level2.list">
<reset resetlist="level2.ct"></charsubset>
<charsubset charsubsetid="level1.item"&lt;br"/>charsubsetref="list.item.indent">
<enumerat increm="1" enumid="level1.ct">
<savetext textid="dingbat.txt" conrule="\(\,level1.ct[AL],\)\">
<charsubset charsubsetid="level2.item"&lt;br"/>charsubsetref="list.item.indent">
<enumerat increm="1" enumid="level2.ct">
<savetext textid="dingbat.txt" conrule="\(\,level2.ct[AR],\)\">
<e-i-c gi="para" context="listitem" occur="first">
<charlist inherit="1" charsubsetref="endline">
<usetext source="dingbat.txt,@6mm" placemnt="before"></usetext>
<e-i-c gi="listitem" context="orderedlist">
<charlist charsubsetref="level1.item"></charlist>
<e-i-c gi="listitem" context="orderedlist" *=" orderedlist&quot;=">
<charlist charsubsetref="level2.item"></charlist>
<e-i-c gi="orderedlist">
<charlist inherit="1"></charlist>
<att logic="OR">
<specval attname="continuation" attval="#NONE">
<specval attname="continuation" attval="restarts">
<charsubset charsubsetref="level1.list"></charsubset>
<e-i-c gi="orderedlist" context="orderedlist" *=" orderedlist&quot;=">
<charlist inherit="1"></charlist>
<att logic="OR">
<specval attname="continuation" attval="#NONE">
<specval attname="continuation" attval="restarts">
<charsubset charsubsetref="level2.list"></charsubset>

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Ellen Headrick <> wrote:

> <e-i-c gi="orderedlist" context="orderedlist" *=" orderedlist&quot;=">
Should be:

<e-i-c gi="orderedlist" context="*" orderedlist&quot;=">
Only the other orderedlist e-i-c is ever firing.

Paul Nagai

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