Hello Adepters,
I have a Styler stylesheet (using the FOSI engine) in 5.2M020 and 5.4M070 which does not properly split a row onto the next page if the content within an entry is longer than the length of the page. This issue occurs with all types of content allowed in the entry including lists and paragraphs, so it does not seem to be keeps related to those elements. Any recommendations on fixing this issue in Styler? I have not seen any keeps settings for the table, tgroup, row, and entry that might cause the page overset fault; basically keep settings for previous, next, and together are set to off.
* Block
o widow count=any number
o orphan count=any number
* Keep:
o Together priority=off
o With Next priority=off
o With Previous priority=off
o scope in same column
Thank you,